Tuesday, April 11, 2006

About Protector... my personality from Swirve

About Protectors...
You're a cold-hearted bastard, plain-and-simple. You always jump into everyone elses' lives and try to "save" them, whatever that means. OK, that's not true at all, but that is how many others see Protectors. Sucks, but true. First off, you're not at all cold-hearted. Sure, you're not the most outgoing of people, but those close to you know a much more outgoing, fun side of you. You also don't try to "save" people. You just worry about others and want to make sure people are taken care of. You're big on safety and security. It would be nice to get more credit for the good you do, but you know there's more to it than the attention and glory. You're big on work -- hard work and commitment. Understandable, given that taking care of people is not something to be taken lightly. Others might see you as a bit of a bore though. I say screw them. You know what's important, and you should stick to it. Just don't judge others for not having that same ethic.. it's not a common thing, and you'll be happier if you accept that flaw in others.

Possible Careers: Doctor, Insurance Agent, Conservationist

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